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There is no “one-size-fits-all” approach to parenting. The Holistic Parenting School was created to help inform you about your options; share the facts; explore the science; and help you to make evidence-based choices that will work best for your family!

Parents today are more isolated than ever before.
Social media is both a blessing and a curse; parents are constantly bombarded by advice from well-meaning strangers, but it's hard to know who you can trust.
The Holistic Parenting School helps you to separate the facts from the myths, and examine the evidence.

What is Holistic Parenting?
A "holistic" approach to parenting means that we are supporting the family unit as a whole - and supporting your family's physical, emotional, social, AND spiritual wellbeing. Every family member, and every aspect of your wellbeing is intimately interconnected - you can't expect to make positive change without looking at the whole picture.
In other words, NO aspect of your parenting journey exists in a vacuum, it all affects your family as a whole.
Enroll Today!
Coming Soon:
* Postpartum & Baby Care
* Breast & Chestfeeding
* Partner Support 101
....and more!
PLEASE NOTE: Information contained in the courses belonging to the Holistic Parenting School at, by Katie Miles CD, CPD, SBD, ISE, CYBE, is for educational purposes only, and is not intended as a substitute for medical advice from a healthcare professional.
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