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Rebozo Care



The rebozo is a traditional Mexican garment that has become a symbol of womanhood. Women were gifted a rebozo at their wedding, which is later used to carry goods, babies, worn as a scarf, used as a wrap in the cool weather, and so much more. Midwives in Mexico have been using the rebozo as a tool to aid birthing people for centuries, and it has recently become popular universally in the birth world.




















The rebozo is an amazing tool that can be used in pregnancy, labor, birth, and postpartum. Used correctly, the rebozo can bring comfort and relaxation to the birthing person. It can be used to help you connect with her partner both physically and emotionally. It is also a wonderful tool for making certain laboring positions easier and more comfortable.


The rebozo is so much more than just a piece of fabric – each and every rebozo has is special to the birthing family that uses it. It is stronger and less likely to slip or tear than any a sheet or blanket, and the length makes it much more versatile for use in birth.


Rebozo FAQs

Comfort Measures for Birth


Basic comfort measures and use of the rebozo are covered in

prenatal sessions with my birth doula clients.

For those who do not wish to have a doula attend their birth, but would like to learn more about comfort measures in labor (including use of the rebozo), I offer private ...
Private Rebozo Instruction

For those who do not wish to have a doula attend their birth, but would like to learn more about comfort measures in labor (including use of the rebozo), I offer private instruction sessions.


These sessions typically last about 2-3 hours, and will include your own 9′ Mexican rebozo to keep.

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