Holistic Sleep Coaching​
Struggling with sleep?
Want a good night’s sleep, without the tears?
You’re in the right spot!
“Is your baby ‘good’ - do they sleep through the night?”
“You just need to teach your baby how to sleep.”
Sound familiar? As a Holistic Sleep Coach, I believe that learning to fall asleep on your own is a developmental milestone, just like crawling or walking. Forcing a baby to crawl or walk before they are ready would ultimately result in frustration and tears. It is the same with sleep. Babies will learn to fall asleep on their own when they are ready, but there is plenty that we can do to set the stage for your baby (and you) to get a good night's sleep. (With NO "sleep training" and NO cry-it-out!)
Holistic Sleep Strategies offers a ‘no cry’ approach to infant sleep that not only works, but allows your baby to form a healthy relationship with sleep, meaning you will have less sleep issues as they age! If you’re feeling tired, overwhelmed, or at your wit’s end, I can help you create sleep solutions that will work for you AND your baby (no tears included).
I can help you to create a customized Sleep Strategy Package that works for YOU and YOUR FAMILY. In your private consultation we will discuss your unique situation, and take a holistic approach to creating a solution that works for you. We will discuss the science of infant sleep, safe sleep practices, strategies for soothing your baby to sleep, nighttime parenting, and much more.
This is not a “one-size-fits-all” approach; it is a customized approach that takes into account your baby’s physiological, developmental, and emotional needs, your personal values, and following your own intuition. Nobody knows your baby better than you do!
I will provide information, advice, and encouragement, and help you to stay focused on your long-term goals.
We will work together to create a custom sleep strategy for you and your baby(ies). Includes an in-depth holistic wellness assessment. Your customized Sleep Strategy Package will be delivered via email within 3-4 business days. You will receive one follow-up coaching call, as well as 2 weeks of email OR phone follow-up support from your sleep specialist after your consultation.
After scheduling your consultation, an invoice will be sent before your booking is confirmed.