Birth Art Circles are a fun and unique way of accessing your inner wisdom in preparation for birth and parenting. Making Birth Art is not about the finished product, or making beautiful art to hang on the nursery wall – it is all about the Process itself.
The Birthing From Within™ unique Birth Art Process has been helping parents for over 25 years. Birth Art sessions are perfect for parents during pregnancy or postpartum. This is NOT art therapy, but rather a unique tool for learning and self-discovery for men and women.
We tend to prepare for birth by thinking, reading, researching, Googling, watching documentaries, and taking classes…. using the logical “left” brain. The Birth Art Process accesses the same area of your brain that takes over when you enter “laborland”; the intuitive, primal “right” brain. (During labor, this side of the brain doesn’t even process any of the information that your left side took in!!)
The Birth Art Process provides parents with the opportunity to explore ideas to prepare for their upcoming birth, connect with their intuitive side to receive inner wisdom, explore their personal assumptions/expectations surrounding the birth process, address hidden anxieties/fears, or to process a past birth experience.

“… the learning necessary for you to participate completely in your birth must come from you.”
“Birth Art doesn’t have to be pretty, colorful or carefully planned. It is as raw, honest and spontaneous as birth itself.”
“Your art, like your labor, doesn’t have to be perfect. Just give it your best effort.”
- Pam England,
Birthing From Within

Birth Art Circles
I offer Birth Art Circles and private sessions for pregnant people (and their partners) looking for a creative and personal way to prepare for birth and parenthood. I provide a warm, welcoming, and non-judgmenal environment for making and exploring images about pregnancy, birth, and parenting. Our focus is on the artist’s learning and what is coming up for them, rather than an analysis/critique of the drawing’s aesthetic.
NO artistic talent, skill or experience is needed; art will not be analyzed or displayed. Our focus is on the learning process, self-discovery, and deepening your connection to your baby and yourself.
Private sessions are usually about an hour long; group circles can last up to 90 minutes.
PLEASE NOTE: Due to the intimacy of the gathering, and the presence of art materials (typically soft chalk pastels & paper), children and babies cannot attend.
Group Birth Art
Materials Fee - $15/person, or $25/couple
(FREE for doula clients with Standard Package and above!)
Join a group session, meet other local parents, and take some time to connect with your baby while you explore your inner wisdom. There will be a short group discussion at the end of the session where those who feel comfortable will be given time to discuss what they discovered. Fees include all materials.